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November 2004, Cliff Young Award for most courageous athlete.
An Italian-American organization, UNICO (an acronym for Unity, Neighborliness, Integrity, Charity, and Opportunity), honors his memory each year by awarding the Brian Piccolo Award to courageous and outstanding athletes of Italian-American heritage.
When he was not hospitalized, Umbricht played golf and attended baseball dinners in his honor, often for a "most courageous athlete" award ceremony.
Meanwhile, at North Salem High, there is an award given every year to the most courageous female athlete.
Rafter has never shown himself to be anything but a courageous and competitive athlete whether he won or lost.
OUT of good faith or gullibility, folks suspended their skepticism a week ago to witness a courageous athlete with a crumbling hip, to indulge in the delightful journey of a redhead from the Amish land of apple butter and horse buggies as he pedaled through Paris sipping Champagne at the finish.
They paid a great deal of money to sign a quarterback who is a courageous athlete but has yet to show that he can hit a moving target, let alone pick up a secondary receiver.
As a classroom teacher, I have no problem citing for my students a vast array of courageous athletes who overcame seemingly hopeless odds and displayed courage and fortitude to make it.
But when I meet a decent and courageous athlete like Riddick Bowe, I wonder if I am a hypocrite.
He was memorialized by fellow athletes, including Muldoon, and the sports world at large as the most courageous athlete of his time.