She was waiting for the hero from her books, courageous and tragic, who would rescue her from everyday boredom, and it never occurred to her that that person might be Diego de la Vega.
Lewis Hine, employed to record the building of the Empire State Building, portrayed the skyscraper construction teams as courageous heroes, creating a genre of photography that continued up until 1941.
It's got big battles and wrenching hand-to-hand combat, a courageous but conflicted hero and a dastardly and totally guilt-free villain, thrills, tenderness, sorrow, rage and a little bit of kissing.
Since Roy began associating with him, Jim's confidence and self-image have grown and he has become a courageous, quick-thinking hero.
He is also described as a courageous hero, despite his small size.
It also features the cliché elements of that era, including a dashing, courageous hero and a beautiful, voluptuous damsel in distress in need of rescue.
Hercules was a strong, courageous hero who was known for his indulgence for food and drink as well as for his strength and heroic deeds.
But she also sees him as a courageous Protestant hero, and she does something to revive the unfashionable view that he was a prime intellectual architect of Britain's surge to colonial and economic power.
While calling Officer LaSala "a courageous hero," he said the others aggravated the fire by breaking windows.
By chance, or by some swift loosing of force, a life-form from one might well be drawn into another; hence the tales men told about loathy worms and dragons slain by courageous human heroes.