On his own courageous initiative, Woods, in an effort to rescue several injured Marines, waded into the sea near a rock cliff where numerous hostile snipers were menacing troops.
In London, editorials in The Times and The Independent supported the Dalai Lama's courageous initiative.
His squadron, bolstered by "his courageous initiative and self-sacrificing gallantry", pressed home their attack and effected two direct hits on two enemy aircraft carriers.
He asked, "Can you take courageous initiatives which will achieve your aims by purely political and democratic activity?"
His exceptionally courageous initiative and loyalty reflect the highest credit upon Private First Class Lucas and the United States Naval Service.
He is remembered not only for ameliorating the working conditions of textile mill-hands in the 19th century but also for his courageous initiatives on caste and communal issues.
This courageous initiative removes all remaining obstacles to real political movement and a shared future.
Madam President, not least thanks to the constant, courageous initiative of the European Parliament, the campaign for a total ban on anti-personnel landmines is gaining ground and could lead to significant results.
Mr. Blair has taken courageous initiatives that his predecessor, John Major, declined to take.
Mr. Waldman is a strong supporter of Reach and served as chairman of the statewide advisory council on the program, which he termed a "courageous initiative."