So, his slight bow to the dead crone was more in the way of a warrior's nod to a courageous soul.
He was the most courageous soul I've ever met, a true king who gave his life to save the land.
I say to those courageous souls: stand fast.
Yet perhaps there is one courageous soul who will dare to hear and see without shuddering.
The body which had sustained her courageous soul for so long would not give up the battle, futile as it was.
The doctor, Roarke thought, was a more courageous soul.
A courageous, elegant and radiant soul was lost to the world on April 28, 2003.
I'd like to reveal the name of this courageous, independent soul, but I'd better withhold it to protect his job.
The fact that he was a brave, courageous soul made him earn an even greater following.
But Catharine had a strong and courageous soul.