However, during the course of the attack the Macedonians fired a lucky shot and killed the leader of the mercenaries.
By trial and error, Jason brought in the audio for the stations he wanted and tried to follow the course of the attack.
In the course of the attack, many were injured, and Charles Eugène was held popularly responsible, although no charges were filed.
During the course of the attack and siege eight police personnel, two civilians and eight gunmen were killed and 95 people injured.
Many items had tumbled onto the floor in the course of the attack and were now sodden with the muddy water from the ditch.
During the course of the attack, some Jews were assisted by friendly Arabs.
But the course of the attack pushed toward the southwest, and Harrlan, the captain of my wartroop, made his judgment based upon that.
During the course of the attack there are reports of violence against the civilian population by rebels.
He bears a personal vendetta against the Empire for assaulting his hometown, killing his amnesiac love interest Rachel in the course of the attack.
Jan looked, seeing the plotted course of the new attack, the three enemy ships.