Mr. Barnes, in his court affidavit, denied the allegation.
In court affidavits provided to reporters, several officials associated with Fernald plant said safety conditions suffered because of lack of money.
"Each time I entered treatment, I continued to molest children," he wrote in a court affidavit last year.
In court affidavits, the commanders also insisted that no civilian officials had directed them to hold back in quelling the disturbances.
That sort of information was central to Mr. Keyser's position at the State Department, the court affidavit said.
According to court affidavits, Mr. Meinecke was to be taken out and shot.
The Pentagon's actions are based on information coming from indictments, guilty pleas or newly unsealed court affidavits.
When she had an apartment, she set small fires to burn "secret papers," according to a doctor's court affidavit.
At least three remarked on her condition without examining her, basing their opinions on court affidavits, videotape or both.
Mrs. Cuomo charged in a court affidavit that her brother Sam was not "an appropriate representative of the estate."