The court, based in Denver, found the phone giant liable for more than $25 million on Tuesday.
At that time, many others were also making accusations, both in and out of court, based on recovered memories of trauma.
The court, based in San Francisco, covers California and eight other Western states.
The court based its ruling on what it calls a "tidal wave of prejudicial publicity."
He allowed his lawyer to make arguments to the court based on an affidavit that the President knew to be false.
She was sentenced to death by an upper court based on the "confession" she has signed.
The court, based in California, is the largest of the 11 appellate courts.
Ultimately, any claim must stand up in court based on the science which purports to support it.
The court, based in The Hague, is not likely to be operational until early next year.
The ruling is the first by a court based on evidence of document destruction by a major tobacco company.