A special court then conducts trials, with conviction resulting in a range of sanctions, including removal from office.
In addition, the court must conduct a hearing within 72 hours to determine if the person should be released with certain conditions, like bail.
For that reason, courts should not conduct a full inquiry, but need only "look to the facts as the employer reasonably found them to be."
The court may conduct hearings or other proceedings in relation to the petition.
These appellate courts do not normally conduct trials or hear witnesses.
The court conducted other business during the trial so the actual trial time each day was reduced.
Among the changes, the court will conduct classes for parents on the effect divorces can have on children.
The court attendant gave an eloquent shrug, but bowed and conducted them forward.
The court can conduct its business with a quorum of six, but that is hardly desirable.
Prosecutors had begun an investigation, he noted, but stopped pending his decision on whether the court would conduct its own inquiry.