So this is a situation that is different than the usual situation that the court confronts.
The lines the court confronted were both metaphorical and literal.
The ruling dealt with an issue that the courts have confronted before.
Judge Arend said that the court routinely confronted many serious crimes, but that terrorism was something entirely different.
There are a couple more cases of recent vintage, but this is not an issue which the higher courts confront very often.
But many housing experts want the courts to confront the question head-on.
Five years ago, the court confronted the opposite situation, a California law that imposed openness on political parties that did not want it.
In this case, the court will confront whether Congress may, in what it considers the name of good government, impose new restrictions on political donations.
This was not the first time a European court has confronted the question of objectionable content on the Internet.
The lower courts have confronted the question numerous times in recent years and have produced conflicting answers.