Every court must deliver the judgment in the language of that court as determined by the State Government.
Two courts delivered opinions favorable to the law's constitutionality that went beyond the strict needs of the cases.
On January 21, 1974, the court delivered its ruling.
The court delivered its verdict on the principle of public policy in the inalienable right to respect for the work .
On 14 April 2010, the court delivered the not guilty verdict.
On February 13, 1940, the court delivered its ruling.
The court deliberated about the five cases and delivered two rulings on May 17, 1954.
That means a man will not be able to appeal to an Assembly after the court has delivered its verdict.
The court also delivered in absentia death sentences to five suspects who were on the run.
The five-member court delivered the ruling to the two governments this morning but officials agreed to delay public disclosure of the decision until Monday.