Note that inferior courts cannot evade binding precedent of superior courts, but a court can depart from its own prior decisions.
The resulting exposition is so authoritative that practitioners and the courts departed from it only rarely unless subsequent developments made this necessary.
If national security, public health, or safety was significantly endangered, the court may depart upward to reflect the nature and circumstances of the offense.
It may also be noted that although the court may depart from previously held constitutional interpretations, it cannot disregard the text entirely.
Australian courts have departed from the traditional approach of interpreting statutes (the literal rule, the golden rule, and the mischief rule.)
Cacophonously as they had arrived, therefore, Lak's court departed, trampling each other underhoof.
Justice Scalia filed a vigorous dissent to argue that the court should not have departed from the high degree of deference called for by Chevron.
Nevertheless, the federal courts have not departed from the principle that courts may only strike down statutes for unconstitutionality.
The courts will not on the basis of any extrinsic materials depart from the clear meaning and give the language a meaning which the language cannot bear.
When the court departed, the city of Vadstena burned down in a great fire, which was seen as another bad omen.