In addition military courts of enquiry were to be substituted for coroners' inquests.
Of the crew of J6 15 were lost; a subsequent court of enquiry found that no action should be taken against Peterson.
The subsequent court of enquiry blamed several factors for the crash:
This is purely a court of enquiry.
A court of enquiry was held in Cardiff a few months later, lasting for eight days.
A court of enquiry into the sinking began at Auckland on 28 November and lasted about two months.
A military court of enquiry exonerated New Zealand.
Weeks later, the subsequent court of enquiry assessed the total cost of the damages at £22 768 431.
Under the Industrial Courts Act of 1919 the minister may set up a court of enquiry into a trade dispute.
While a marine court of enquiry determined that the ship sank in a blizzard on March 31, little evidence exists to verify this.