Worn down by ill health and court politics, he died in 1506, a very wealthy man.
Professor Spaeth's work has become an indispensable body of information for those who study supreme court politics.
I no longer care about court politics or appearances, or how history might judge me.
Believe me, young Contessa; trade is one matter, and court politics quite another.
His first brush with such court politics came in 395.
As a result, for anything to get done, ministers often had to engage in court politics.
Some people think that, in the stories, Chaucer was saying things about court politics.
However, court politics eventually overtook him and he was dismissed in 1753.
Abdullah was the product of an old world, of court politics.
However, at least since the 19th century scholars have also sought to understand the character in terms of Elizabethan court politics.