The law also established court-appointed advocates for victims and "family violence intervention units" to investigate any previous abuse and report to the prosecutor.
And the court-appointed advocate for the boy, who would be 9 years old now, pleaded with the 29-year-old mother to start talking about her son, whom she is accused of abusing.
Fox and Mendelsohn chose to donate the money to CASA, a national association that supports and promotes court-appointed advocates for abused or neglected children.
His mother is a court-appointed special advocate for foster children for the Hampshire County Juvenile Court in Northampton.
For example, Judge Slobod wanted a court-appointed special advocate to represent Eugene's interest throughout the case.
She is a court-appointed advocate for children in the city's vast foster care system.
Her mother, a clinical social worker, works in New York as a court-appointed advocate for children in the foster-care system.
Before Mr. LaRocco began working as a court-appointed special advocate for children in foster care, he went through extensive interviews, as well as 32 hours of training over four Sundays.
CASA is a national organization that supports court-appointed advocates for abused or neglected children.
Her mother, Sharon Sherman, is a court-appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children at the Philadelphia Dependency Court.