The court-approved settlement allowed $6 million but required the lawyers to submit claims and supporting documents.
The battle ended this week under a court-approved settlement between Berkeley Heights and its adversary, the Connell Realty and Development Company.
Under a court-approved settlement reached last October, foreclosure was averted.
In 1990, the plant, which is now shut but still leaking, became the first to be the subject of a consent decree, a court-approved settlement, between the department and a state.
There are also spiraling lawyers' fees, insurance bills and, since many court-approved settlements call for the church to finance psychological treatment, the costs of treating hundreds of victims.
Paine Webber said the payment would be made within 90 days as part of a court-approved settlement of two class action suits that had been filed by investors.
A court-approved settlement reached between Ms. Moses and Victor Coopersmith Enterprises Inc. was announced yesterday.
The parties signed a court-approved settlement in October 2005.
A court-approved settlement, on the other hand, can be enforced by returning to the original judge for a contempt order.
Lawyers for minorities and women said it was possible to read the Court's analysis as opening to subsequent attack not only court-approved settlements but also judgments that result from full trials.