Today, the terms chivalry and chivalrous are used to describe courteous behavior, especially that of men towards women.
"That is, it is for some things, but not others, and our standards for courteous behavior are quite different."
Some people, you see, just do not know what courteous behavior is.
He mostly got along with the locals through gifts, patience and courteous behaviour.
They were also trained to practise courteous, honorable behaviour, which was considered extremely important.
In medieval India too, nobility and royalty were expected to display courteous behaviour.
The book chronicles attempts by phone companies at the time to encourage courteous behavior.
Doctors need to be taught that courteous behavior is essential to good patient care.
Both of us had been school-reared for sufficient time to make courteous behaviour almost second nature.
Students were praised for their courteous and respectful behaviour and keen attitudes to learning.