At the same time, I fear that I may seem rude and ungracious if I refuse your courteous request, especially after what you have said.
You will not come at my courteous request?
He slams shields up against even the most courteous request.
I speak by the authority of the village now, and not just by courteous request.
"I would like to thank all the news media representatives for their attention and very courteous requests for me to speak to them or to give an interview," she said.
Furthermore, my-my assistant-" she almost choked on the words, but this at least was necessary, "did not give you an order, but made a courteous request of a fellow worker.
She raised an eyebrow at her superior officer's courteous, if tentative, request.
Their meeting will probably be nothing more than a courteous request from your boyfriend for your parents' blessing and approval and it should get their relationship off to a good start!
For none have ever made to me a request so bold and yet so courteous.
Eventually, on his making a reasonably courteous request, I had let him try the bow, and he had strained his thin arms to draw it without having much effect.