Kemal had come as a famous man, with known achievements, so that he was courteously received even when his message was unwelcome.
And they were received courteously, and told firmly that the Satrap would consider their position.
When the holy man entered the precincts of that temple, he was courteously received by a brahmin boy and sumptuously fed.
The Lady Constance, the elder stateswoman from Earth itself, was courteously received.
He was received courteously, but forbidden to engage in missionary work or remain in the country.
There I was received courteously, but got no further information.
I had previously been presented by my aunt, and had been courteously received.
When the Earl of Kildare arrived in London, he had been courteously received.
Upon arrival they were received courteously, and he was given an audience on January 4, 1254.
I was courteously received by a worthy old housekeeper, who, with the civility and communicativeness of her order, showed me the interior of the house.