He embodies all knightly virtues and courtly behavior including being skilled in the Minnesang.
The character appears only briefly in the film, teaching Myles "courtly behavior," including proper table manners.
The appeal of Paris lay in the sophisticated language and manners of French high society, including courtly behavior and fashion.
These unusual experiences must have helped foster her independent outlook, providing an additional perspective from which to satirise English courtly behaviour.
Robert wrote two manuals of instruction on courtly behaviour: one for noblemen and one for noblewomen.
The king and his knights are surprised by the tame and courtly behavior of the wolf, and they keep him on as a companion.
My sham of courtly behavior is evident by his every move-this elf is used to moving in the company of kings.
Characters won't always use courtly behavior to get what they want.
The need for classical dancers to study courtly behaviour is nowhere more important than in all pas de deux.
Another important instance of courtly behaviour is when the hero has to lead the heroine into the dance.