In 1827 he married his cousin Mary, daughter of Robert Harrild, manufacturer of printing machinery.
It was during his illness that he met Virginia Jane Kyle for the first time while she was visiting her cousin Mary.
He lives with his half brother Sid, his cousin Mary, and his stern Aunt Polly in the (fictional) town of St. Petersburg, Missouri.
I love my cousin Mary, and if I could see her alone I would gladly go.
On 8 May 1935 he married his cousin Mary, a daughter of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice.
She may have had some outlying cousin Mary, but nothing is known of such a possible mother of de la Cloche.
Little is known of Marshall's early years, but one tradition holds that he had no formal education during his childhood and that his cousin Mary (later, his wife) taught him to read.
Charles was taking no chance that his cousin Mary would be superceded by a male born of some subsequent wife.
Elizabeth had her own problems with adherents of her cousin Mary, Queen of Scots, and the Spanish.
And cousin Mary has an artificial leg .