Those cousins of the Jophur had different personalities, but shared many physical traits.
She and her cousin both shared the new name Wahinepio (captive women) commemorating this event.
A cousin, Enrico Nuzzo, shared the same ideal: to help educate the unfortunate in society, especially girls.
Now my children and our long-lost cousins share holidays together.
He and his first cousin, The Princess Margaret, shared the same birthday.
Both cousins shared a love for high-stepping, swing dancing, even when the music was far less dynamic.
The cousins have not yet shared that kind of knowledge with me.
I and my cousin, who lived next door, shared it between us - we each put down half the money.
My late cousin, Norman, who was a very talented musician, shared the same opinion.
The cousins shared no tender regard for each other, that much had been known to him for years.