What is extraordinary is that such a close architectural cousin should stand across the street.
The rat-faced cousin stood by and smoked a cigarette cupped with total secrecy in the palm of his hand.
Why, cousin, that mother has been all that has stood between me and utter unbelief for years.
Slowly she turned and saw that her cousin was standing directly in front of Ramses.
Parents, siblings and cousins stand in the heat dishing out homemade ravioli.
Yet it had been so long ago, Erin thought as she watched her cousin stand between the graves of her parents.
A cousin, Anna Valle, 30, stood crying on a front porch.
The two cousins stood staring at each other, years of mutual hatred in their eyes.
The two cousins, along with Lisa Hayes, stood off to one side of the center-stage podium just now.
That little cousin of mine stood on a chair, without any apologies or self-mockery.