The kingdom was ruled from Taxila and covered much of modern southeast Afghanistan and Pakistan.
After the robbery, the convoy continued undeterred into the no man's land, across the desolate desert that covers southern Afghanistan.
Both David Rohde and Amy Waldman talk about covering Afghanistan.
Lyse Doucet, who's been covering Afghanistan for more than 20 years, travels around Afghanistan to meet the Afghans in charge.
He has covered Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon and the wider Middle East.
Film was extremely prized by the networks trying to cover Afghanistan.
"By 9/11", said Tenet, "a map would show that these collection programs and human [reporting] networks were in place in such numbers as to nearly cover Afghanistan."
The single 39-year-old was a headstrong, generous reporter who had spent years covering Iraq and Afghanistan.
Edward Girardet, who covered Afghanistan for over three decades, was also in Kabul during the war.
It covered Afghanistan but also bits of Turkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan etc.