The $37 million to be spent in Torrington will cover site selection, land acquisition and construction.
Separate contracts, covering construction and individual instruments, were to be awarded at a later date.
This condition had not been met, and the government sought $84,500 in reimbursements to cover construction of a new deck.
Its product range covers home, office, construction, and industrial use.
The bill did not include the $1.6 billion the Administration had requested to cover purchasing and construction.
The funding pool was increased to $300,000 to cover development and construction.
Much of that $2.9 billion has gone to cover current maintenance and new construction.
Only the station locations would have cut and cover construction.
The buildings cover construction from Roman times to the modern era.
But that doesn't cover construction, renovation or in many cases equipment, and unlike public school systems, charter schools rarely have the ability to issue bonds.