For many years, he worked as a journalist covering football, cricket, horse racing and coursing.
In short, he wants to cover cricket, as a part of English summer, and in this, he succeeds greatly.
Since retirement, he has made a career as a journalist, covering predominantly cricket and rugby for the Sunday Telegraph.
In addition, it covers amateur cricket in the United Kingdom.
As Channel 4 no longer covers cricket they may remain in the archives indefinitely, however one game's details has been leaked onto the internet.
I'm Kevin Howells, my main job is covering cricket and it is one of the best jobs in the world.
He covered cricket, squash and badminton for The Daily Telegraph from 1966 to 2005.
Later in 1927 he would also cover cricket and Wimbledon.
He founded the Madras Sports Annual which covered local cricket and other sports in the 1940s.
He began covering cricket for numerous local newspapers such as the Long Island Star.