The plan would cover dependents of all victims, not just New Yorkers.
It would require every employer to offer basic health insurance, covering dependents, to every employee who works more than half time.
Camp Lejeune's drinking water and does not cover dependents exposed on the base.
In return, they (and covered dependents) are entitled to certain retirement, disability and medical benefits.
All three would insure people primarily through employers but would require individuals not covered either directly or as dependents to buy their own insurance.
The next year, companies with 50 to 200 employees must cover workers, but not dependents.
This is different from fully insured plans where the employer contracts an insurance company to cover the employees and dependents.
His company covers 2.5 million members and dependents in managed care, he said.
Together, they cover 300,000 employees, retirees under 65 and dependents.
Many employers have also cut costs simply by requiring their employees to pay a larger share of the bill, and some have stopped covering dependents.