A similar bill covering doctors and podiatrists, but not dentists, passed near the end of the last session.
The cost would ostensibly be picked up by Medicare's other trust fund, which covers doctors and other patient care outside hospitals.
The vetoed bill would, as it should, prevent Medicare premiums for Part B, which covers doctors and outpatient services, from falling $3.60 a month.
Many ran into trouble persuading the Food and Drug Administration to approve their products, insurance companies to cover their costs or doctors to use them at all.
No such restrictions cover private doctors, who are preferred by women who do not want their abortions on the public record.
Thus, for example, the Government may refuse to cover doctors who have lost several malpractice suits or who have been disciplined by medical licensing authorities.
The requirement, which previously applied to hospitals, now covers free-standing clinics and doctors' offices as well.
Major airlines are all covered by insurance to meet such contingencies and to cover doctors who act as their temporary agents.
Your U.S. health insurance may not cover doctors' and hospital visits in other countries.
Pile originally wanted the show to cover the entire hospital, not just doctors, but also porters, car park attendants and kitchen staff as well.