He won the race and covered the distance in 67 minutes.
He covered the 12.4-mile course in 59 minutes 51 seconds.
He covered one lap in 2 minutes, 16.9 seconds, to average 174.003 kilometers an hour.
A bit baffled about the debate on covering 7km in 15 minutes!
Kirk realized they had covered almost a mile in only a few minutes.
He covered the 6.4 miles in 30 minutes 33.2 seconds to lead Providence, with 27 points, to the team title.
It is difficult to cover the whole issue in two minutes.
Ave covered the 3.5-mile route in 16 minutes 12 seconds.
I covered 20.2 miles in approximately 4 hours and 20 minutes.
He covered the distance in five minutes, and during that time they didn't come across another vehicle.