The gang lieutenant was aiming for The Shadow, while henchmen were following to cover others.
So they cover some chemicals in food but not others.
But overall we'll aim for 14 miles a day, and some days we'll cover perhaps 20, and others only four.
Rhage and V had visited five of them so far, and the twins were doing the same, covering others.
In fact he was eager to cover that question rather than others.
But the rule-making board's ban would not cover law firms, financial advisers and others in the municipal business who make contributions.
By this time, it had already expanded to covering video games and others.
It covers 57,000 telephone technicians, installers, operators, repair workers and others.
His last done sheets lay loose, partly covering others that were clipped together into fascicles.
Actresses are typically the focus, although the magazine has also covered female studio executives and others in non-acting industry professions.