A $350,000 budget covers salaries, rent, printing, computers and other expenses.
In 2003, Hollinger gave it about $7 million to cover salaries, a former executive at the paper said.
But the budget did include $28 million to cover salaries and administrative costs and provisions for more money to be added later, if necessary.
This orchestra is endowed with subsidy from the government to cover salaries and expenses.
They receive an annual allowance, which covers supplies, equipment and salaries.
Profits are supposed to be returned to the farmer in higher rice payments after covering costs and salaries.
But few missionary schools could afford to forgo the advantage to cover salaries of the staff.
That share would cover not only salaries but also the owners' contribution to the benefit plan ($39 million last year).
The money was given to cover salaries of faculty and operating expenses.
This allocation also covers salaries, upkeep and development of the student union's buildings.