Health maintenance organizations now cover 31 million Americans.
The difference between the new plans and those currently covering many Americans is striking.
You might think that the nation would spend more on health care, since this would mean covering 46 million Americans who are currently uninsured.
The 8,000 law-enforcement agencies which responded to the canvass cover some 185 million Americans.
States are struggling with soaring costs in their Medicaid programs, which cover more than 40 million low-income Americans.
The change would cover an additional 13 million Americans.
And most of its participating 66,000 pension plans, covering 41 million Americans, are healthy.
The spread of health maintenance organizations, which now cover more than 60 million Americans, has slowed the increase in health-care costs.
Medicare is the nation's largest health insurance program, covering nearly 40 million Americans.
The large group market (covering 160 million Americans) should be preserved.