The results, covering 50,000 patients, showed that a large proportion reported their adult patients seeing visions just before death.
He has published one paper covering nine patients who were followed after the operation for 12 weeks.
In 2005, a $700 million agreement covered 8,000 patients, and the company has made 2,500 individual settlements whose total value has not been disclosed, Lilly said.
They now cover at least some patients of one in every four doctors, according to the American Medical Association.
However, we are now covering 10, 12 or even 14 patients at a time.
The settlement covers 66 patients at psychiatric hospitals in Texas who said the company conspired to hold them against their will.
Two clinics cover 200 patients per month.
The researchers examined 37 Celebrex trials, covering 45,000 patients.
Two other studies covering 304 patients showed that Exubera was well tolerated and provided effective control of blood sugar, the company said.
That trial covers 1,500 patients and should end by summer 2006.