Sparky, the original cover star of the British comic of the same name.
As for the cover star, he said it was Jay Johnson, the decorator, then a model.
Region-specific cover stars are expected to be announced to join him.
Ginger was The Beezer's cover star from its first issue until 1961.
In 1962, he was chosen as the cover star for the "Ses" magazine and began his acting career.
There are also signs of change even among traditional cover stars - models.
George, a magazine of celebrity and politics featuring on its cover stars dressed up as Washington, was launched in 1995.
He continued to be the cover star for two years until 2007 marked the second radical Dandy launch in a decade.
The game also sees the return of Lionel Messi as its cover star.
Below is a list of cover stars to date: