Still in the same broad region and centred on Comitán, it covered the following municipalities:
Today's agreement covers the 10 municipalities that were part of the greater Sarajevo area except for Pale, where the Serbian nationalists now have their headquarters.
The Pajottenland is generally understood to cover the following municipalities and deelgemeente:
It covers the following municipalities:
Between 1996 and 2005, the Eleventh District covered only the municipalities of the southern Soconusco:
Under the 2005 districting scheme, the district covers the municipalities in the west and south-west of the state.
The head town was Chiapa de Corzo and it covered the following municipalities:
It covers the municipalities of Asker and Bærum, and is the only newspaper issued in the area.
It covers the three municipalities: Time, Hå and Klepp.
It covered the following municipalities: