The material covers the six weeks of the Tiananmen crisis and the period immediately after the movement was suppressed.
Revenue increased at a moderate pace, but earnings were more than three times sales in the quarter, which covers the 13 weeks that ended on May 1.
Desborough travelled to Fiji with ITV to cover the first two weeks of the reality show.
More dramatic still is a remark of Hughes's about Plath's missing journals, which covered the last weeks of her life.
In two parting payments, the shelter paid $5,876 into Ms. Lester's account to cover the 10 weeks of vacation time that she claimed.
The book covers the remaining six weeks of the war in which 56 people received the Victoria Cross.
DialIdol covered only the last four weeks of this season.
George Levine, a telecommunications consultant, has been reviewing telephone bills for decades, but until yesterday he had never seen one covering the last weeks of 1899.
The figures cover the five weeks that ended in the first week of April.
The data covered the 52 weeks ending Dec. 29 compared with the corresponding period of 1995.