Either "occlusive" or "stop" may be used as a general term covering the other together with nasals.
These proposals covered the conversion of tram routes, together with extensions and linking services.
It covers travel on trams and buses and on the Paddan canal boat together with free parking.
Such a chapel may exist, for example, when a parish covers several dispersed villages, or a central village together with its satellite hamlet or hamlets.
They had sheet steel covering them, together with an extra strip that went over the frame to prevent anyone from tampering with the gap.
The boundary changes of 1934 created a ward that covered the city centre, together with the Lee Bank area south west of the centre.
Bracken covers much of the ground and, together with the high density of game, prevents the natural rejuvenation of the tree population.
The parish covers the immediate area around the village, together with a rural area to the south-west.
Regional, provincial and local media nearly always covers the activities of the Prime Ministerial candidates, together with the leading candidates in their area.
Eleven million olive trees cover 40% of the island together with other fruit trees.