Three satellites cover the entire globe with the exception of the polar regions.
All are covered with the exception of the Brian Moore Stand.
The list I was given pretty well covered the country, with the exception of a limited but important area on the East Coast.
The series covered every year from 1995 to 2006, with the exception of the 1996 season.
The park is presently fully covered in graffiti, with the exception of the ground.
Outcrops cover most of the island, with the exception of the Troodos mountains, which rise free.
Due to its non-partisan policy, it does not cover political issues, with the exception of voluntary student unionism.
The desman's body is covered in fur, with the exception of its tail and nose.
The album is composed of truck driving song covers with the exception of the last two tracks, which are original.
The few Western women working here dress very conservatively in public, covering their hair and all skin with the exception of their faces.