With the knowledge they are up against a perfectionist, their attempts to improve their apartment result in irreversible damage and a major cover-up attempt by the pair.
Realizing that these documents would expose his cover-up attempt, Fairey chose to come clean to his attorney.
A 1997 "false alarm" signal showed the likely reaction - and the futility of any cover-up attempts.
The Congressional committees heard new testimony that laid the groundwork for what is certain to be intense questioning about a broad cover-up attempt last fall.
Carp himself took the stand against government actions, denouncing a cover-up attempt.
The incident became the subject of much tabloid sensationalism, speculating alcohol abuse during flight and a cover-up attempt by Swayze.
The investigators' report described Mr. Vignola as central to the cover-up attempt.
Some Russian media, including Izvestiya, voiced anger at an apparent cover-up attempt, accusing the military of "as usual" trying to conceal the casualties.
"Oh yes, I'm the great pretender" works just fine, for instance, to reflect on cover-up attempts after attacks of short-term memory loss.
Mr. Pizzuto's relatives blasted what they called a cover-up attempt by jail guards.