The Pack says that there's another gang in town, one that operates in very covert methods.
Their covert methods of waging war contrasted the ninja with the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor and combat.
The truth should be spread in Iraq and the Arab world, using overt and covert methods to make sure that the message gets through.
Because you've just stumbled upon the only proven, covert method for getting others to do as you say, whenever you want, wherever you want.
It is a sign, however, that the use of covert methods to slow Iran's nuclear progress continue apace.
"During our tests, we displayed no visible identification, dressed casually, engaged in behavior designed to elicit challenges, and did not resort to covert methods," the report said.
Almost reluctantly, she refocused her concentration on discovering the covert methods of Qin Shang's smuggling operation.
"However, a few nations are now proposing surreptitious and covert methods for obtaining private keys and access to encoded communications."
The missions they undertake are secret, but members do not use covert methods like false identities or nationalities.
"Winning the battle is dependent on knowing the enemy's secrets," the manual declares in sections devoted to espionage and "information gathering" using open and covert methods.