He also denied that his Government was covertly supporting the rebels.
He also covertly supported further calls for enosis with Greece.
After the war, he ran an aviation training school that covertly supported establishment of the Luftwaffe.
Both sides were covertly supported by America and Britain in the hope that they might provide a check to each other's ambitions.
China began to covertly support the Vietnamese government in its opposition to French colonization.
It was faced with opposition from social movements, supported covertly by President Mitterrand.
That must have been the first time that anyone suggested "Behind the Music" was covertly supporting terrorist activity.
Some of these farmers remained neutral during the war, while some covertly supported the Union cause during the conflict.
The U.S. has also covertly supported opposition groups in various countries without necessarily attempting to overthrow the government.
Beginning in 1967 and continuing throughout the 1970s, anti-Chinese riots continued to flare up and many believed they were covertly supported by the government.