Such straightforward, prosaic approaches have lost favor, however, with the younger consumers that advertisers most covet.
Should I undertake a quest only for you, when what I would most covet at its end is forbidden me?
Mr. Murdoch may then have a harder time getting control of the parts of the empire he covets most.
NBC's gain was much greater in the 18-to-49-year-old audience segment, which it most covets, because advertisers do.
Woods was presented the winner's trophy by Jack Nicklaus, the tournament host, who won 18 professional major championships, the record Woods covets most.
And because the British Open is the one major he does not have, it has become the major he covets most.
The streak will keep Woods in the spotlight as long as it lasts, but majors are the tournaments he covets most.
He also issued his most explicit challenge yet to NBC's prime-time hegemony in the age bracket advertisers most covet, 18 to 49.
But the quarry he coveted most was the Vividence Company.
But the new plan recognizes that flat-fee accounts do not suit all customers, especially many very wealthy investors whose business Merrill covets most.