But Weber has never won the coveted player of the year award.
While the Knicks may not have made Fortson feel like the league's most coveted player, they are interested in acquiring his services.
So far, the Knicks have refused to attach their most coveted player, Houston, to a deal.
He finished the season with a .290 average and 12 home runs, and became one of baseball's more coveted players in the winter's free agent market.
While talented big men are still the most coveted players, today's games are also being dominated from the backcourt by smaller men.
At some point, if the deal were as right, the Knicks might add a more coveted player to the mix.
Each pack contains one rare item, such as enhanced player attributes, longer contracts and the most coveted players.
He has been mentioned among the more coveted players in European football by The Times of London.
A much coveted player, she made $250 weekly and was even given a chauffeur to games.
Washington was not a highly coveted player coming out of high school and barely got into college on an athletic scholarship.