Knox refused to collaborate, but joined fellow reformers in a concerted preaching campaign against covetous men in high places.
Though ye take from a covetous man all his treasure, he has yet one jewel left, ye cannot bereave him of his covetousness.
All that was beautiful and holy in this place would now be hostage to the threat of turning loose the covetous men from outside the walls.
Burnet reflects unfavourably upon him, calls him a proud and covetous man, and declares:
Further, the very faculty which is the instrument of judgment is not possessed by the covetous or ambitious man, but only by the philosopher?
O'Mara, who had been unusually silent until then, said very seriously, "Normally I am not a covetous man.
The obsessive collecting of women, of art, of recipes--he's a greedy, covetous man.
He is a short- sighted, avaricious, grasping, covetous man.
Had another taken the goad as I did, an evil-thinking and covetous man, he would not have held the common people.
Nay more, there are some foolish rich covetous men that take a pride, in having no children, because they may be thought so much the richer.