Hillsides east of Tomales Bay are grazed by cows belonging to local dairies.
Nearly 200 cows belonging to the same Alberta herd as the one infected with mad cow disease were found to be free of the disease after they were slaughtered and tested over the weekend.
One of them is that a cow belonging to one of the villagers used to discharge milk in the green wood which turned in a plaque.
I had to ride to the hut in that field, where there's a sick cow belonging to my aunt.
One rumor, never proved, was that the Reverend personally confiscated the only cows belonging to two of his poorer parishioners to pay his back salary.
And the one after that, after a cow belonging to the widow Mulluck started to go ping when it should have gone 'mmmmmyaooooo'.
The official, intoxicated, instead shot and killed a cow belonging to a collective farm.
On August 17, a cow belonging to a Mormon traveling on the nearby Oregon Trail strayed and was killed by a visiting Miniconjou named High Forehead.
He returned to the Livermore Valley after his release from San Quentin, where he was suspected in May 1871 of stealing two cows belonging to John Arnett.
It appeared that a valuable cow belonging to the hotel was sick, and the herd, this boy's father, had gone late to the hotel out-buildings to see it.