The cows (the female Gnus) will calve (give birth to the young) in summer in the plains.
About sixty days later, one year after the birth of her previous calf, a cow will calve again.
You may set your mind at rest: the cow has not calved yet.
Then he ran home and asked his wife whether the cow had calved.
So far this winter, 34 cows have calved, and another 33 are due any minute.
In midwinter, when cows are calving, ranchers and farmers must go without much sleep.
When winters are severe, cows will not go into estrus and thus not calve the next year.
He had helped ewes lamb, mares foal and cows calve.
We've not had so much excitement since the cow calved,' Jane remarked.
The really busy time was in the spring after the cows had calved and there was plenty of milk.