In the early years cows roamed the streets and open pastures around Holy Innocents.
The cows, each with a plastic identification number riveted to each ear, roam between the shed and an adjacent grassless lot.
Prior to the housing development of Cwm Talwg, it was a pig farm; cows, pigs and sheep roamed freely.
Despite the best efforts of the city's High Court, cows roam Delhi's streets freely.
In all the time that cows have roamed the planet, their oocytes have never encountered the insults they were about to face that day.
Mr. Loughlin said he purchased 15 acres property in 1950 and let cows and other animals roam the site until 1983.
The farm became home to animals typical of the era and area: oxen, sheep, cows, pigs, goat and chicken now roam the farm.
Among the debris three cows roamed the hold, adding to the mess.
In New Delhi, cows still roam the streets, but coffee bars fill the malls.
In honor of their exalted status, cows often roam free, even along (and in) busy streets in major cities such as Delhi.