Imagine Cain as an ax-wielding child in a cowboy suit.
Spencer Dryden showed up at the ticket counter slightly hung over in his black cowboy suit.
He had normal vision as a youngster until the age of 2 or 3 years, but suffered eye damage when his cowboy suit caught fire.
The park swarms with children whooping it up in cowboy suits and war paint.
The cowboy suit hung behind the bedroom door in its plastic covering.
He's also unbelievably excited about being dressed up in a cowboy suit and brought onto the stage with a real live star.
The kid in the green cowboy suit was eating a candy bar.
But he still wore his cowboy suits, like a display of mourning clothes, for a world he had been born too late to enter.
"And you can wear a cowboy suit," he said.
Brenda said, "Who was the cute thing in the cowboy suit?"