When creators contemplated on a name they decided to get away from OSU's longstanding cowboy theme and establish a unique school identity.
Initially, subjects included exploration of the Western states and cowboy themes.
A homage to lost masculinity slyly incorporates the cowboy theme from those old Marlboro cigarette ads.
Sure, the cowboy theme is a bit overdone at this popular dance spot at the end of the Causeway, but a good time is certainly had by all here.
The show opened with oyster gray double-breasted suits and moved on to tennis whites, which, like the cowboy theme, was also a story at the Milan collections.
In 1973, Murphey followed up with the album Cosmic Cowboy Souvenir, which continued the urban cowboy theme of the first album.
Buffalo Bill, William Cody, was one of the most colorful figures of the American Old West, and mostly famous for the shows he organized with cowboy themes.
The band later made use of a similar cowboy theme during promotion of their second album, Sam's Town, and its accompanying tour and music videos during 2006 and 2007.
While the cowboy theme is really an eternal theme, cowboys per se may not have the magic they had 25 or 30 years ago.
They're fighting a futuristic civil war in space; nothing makes a lot of sense, and the overt homage to cowboy themes seems an unlikely mix with the space stuff.