The rooms, designed to feel like a cozy apartment, are never frequented by more than two clients at a time.
The average price for a cozy two-bedroom apartment - fully furnished in one of two color-coordinated styles - is $600,000.
But take heart - it is also easy to capture the taste of the Antilles in a cozy apartment in winter.
"That launched my career," he said last week while relaxing in his cozy apartment here where signs of the theater abound.
The cozy apartment consisted of a large living room with a galley kitchen at one end and a medium-sized bedroom.
He rented a cozy apartment for the woman in a neighboring town and lent her his wife's clothes.
With her natural touch, the dark and dreary bedroom becomes a cozy apartment.
He lives with his father and sister in a cheap, though very cozy, apartment.
It was a cozy apartment, not much polluted by the products of the Twilight world.
Five minutes later she was alone in her warm cozy apartment.