IT was dessert time, and three young women, tucked into one of Local's cozy booths, were doing some serious fork work.
The setting is stylish, with amber lighting, burnished walls and cozy booths.
One night, a guest lingered long after closing time in a cozy booth with his sweetheart.
Sit at the counter looking out onto the diagonally parked cars, or in a cozy blue and white booth in back.
With its subdued brown and red color scheme and cozy booths, the diner is more intimate than most.
It's on the water and it has nice, cozy booths.
Now, you sink into big cozy booths surrounded by neutral colors.
A long bar in solid mahogany dominates the front room, which is lined with cozy booths.
We were escorted to a cozy little booth in the mezzanine sec- tion.
Edwards and his wife sit eating sandwiches at a cozy little booth at the front of the bus.